Sunday, January 10, 2010

Some Commonly Asked Questions about Hemorrhoids

1. What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are the conditions whereby the veins around the anus or the lower rectum area are swollen and inflamed. Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the anus while external hemorrhoids occur under the skin around the anus.

2. Who can get hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are equally prevalent in both male and female, but half of the people with hemorrhoids are over 50 years of age.

3. What causes hemorrhoids?

1. Constipation is the most common cause of hemorrhoids due to the huge tension in the anal area during the bowel movement. Since a constipated individual strain to move stool, this puts a lot of tension on the veins around the anal area. This causes the veins to become inflamed and irritated.

2. Pregnancy is another common cause of hemorrhoids due the pressure of the fetus on the abdomen and the hormonal changes causing hemorrhoidal vessels to enlarge. For most women, this is a temporary problem which will disappear after giving birth.

3. Portal Hypertension which is the hypertension (high blood pressure) of the portal veins (veins in the abdominal cavity that drains blood from the gastrointestinal tract and spleen) can also cause hemorrhoids.

4. Irritated Bowel Syndrome may also cause hemorrhoids due to the fact that the resulting chronic constipation and/or diarrhea place a lot of tension on the veins around the anus or the rectal area.

5. Anal sex

6. Aging

For hemorrhoids cures check out Natural Hemorrhoids Cure.

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